as an avid viewer of shark tank, i feel like i already had a bit of knowledge on the idea of having a focus group for a company. this correlates to the idea of satisfying consumers. of course a perfume company would want to put their ads in beauty magazines and not sports illustrated. this seems like one of the most obvious ways to attract profit. we cannot please everyone but we definitely can please a certain group of people.
one idea that persuaders included that i never really thought about was the idea of fantasy, lifestyle, and identity. it made me realize how many commercials i see is trying to sell a certain lifestyle rather than the product. iv'e been seeing a lot of coke ads that are just these quick random shots of people running marathons, hanging out with friends, jumping into pools, and of course the bubbly brown soda with really upbeat trap music. and i am just like what just happened? ads like these are promoting a lifestyle that apparently comes with the product they're selling, which obviously isn't true. like am i really going to play tennis like serena williams because i have the same nikes as her? i wish lol. we now know that companies are using psychology to kinda manipulate consumers into correlating their product with a certain lifestyle or identity... but are we really thinking about psychology when we are watching tv? probably not, so i would say these companies' advertising strategies are working.
this taco bell commercial is interesting bc it shows a guy in formal wear holding taco bell and walks straight into a pool that is actually filled with bubbles of hot sauce while people are eating at a dining table full of more taco bell. oh and the vibe-y music.
"no you're not in some alternate chalupa-verse. you're experiencing the $5 chalupas craving box..."
I agree with what you said about not thinking about psychology while seeing ads. We don't really realize we're being manipulated during these ads, but we either don't notice or don't care. I feel like I have seen ads where it's all super calculated and their strategy is pretty obvious. But most of the time, I don't overthink it because I'm just watching TV and don't feel like getting analytical. Most people probably do that as well, so I agree that these strategies are working.