what happened to the reading craze?

although i stopped reading for pleasure regularly, i still read (sometimes). and like my little self, i still like reading books in one sitting. if it's a book i'm interesting in, i will not put it down until i'm down reading it. i think that's how my procrastination sprouted...by reading instead of anything else. last year on multiple occasions, i would read a 200 or 300 page book on a school night. how you ask? well i didn't finish ANY of my homework, walked around the house reading it, ate dinner with it, sat in my bath towel reading it, and went to sleep at 1 in the morning... so yeah that's how.
two weeks ago was spring break, and my family and i went to texas. right before we left for the airport, i looked at my bookshelf and picked a book a friend recommended to me and shoved it in my backpack. in my head i was like "yeah i am not going to read this bc i always bring books on vacation and never read em". then i head to the airport and surprise, i started reading it and liking it. i was about halfway this 300 page book after my 2 hour flight to los angeles. now on my 4 hour flight to houston, i finished it and it was just so good, i started reading it again. and for the first 5 days of the trip, i read this book six times. yeah, i really liked it. i also made my parents drive me to different book stores to check if the sequel was there and no hope. then i finally made the desperate decision to buy the e book on my dad's iPad. the last two days of the trip, i read the sequel three times. now that i'm writing this, i sound a little crazy. but seriously if you like dystopian novels, read stung by bethany wiggins.
fun fact: i got glasses in third grade because i was reading in the dark when i was supposed to be asleep. now my vision is getting worse because i am on my phone in the dark when i am supposed to be asleep. just imagine how much smarter i would be if i read instead of going on my phone.
some of my elementary school faves

I agree with you in that when we were in elementary school just reading books for fun, it was more enjoyable. Now, when we get assigned a book it's like, "ugh, another book. How many are we going to read!" I feel like a part of us teens not reading anymore is because we over analyze the books so much, it doesn't seem to be enjoyable anymore. That is part of the reason we stopped liking books, but think that the big reason we stopped reading books for fun is because of phones and media. I feel like phones and media have made our minds feel the need to do something fast pace, like watching a video where there are changing screens and it is interactive, but when we read a book, we have to do the imagining ourselves. On the other hand though, when my parents tell me I should read a book, My usual answer is no, but when I start reading a book myself, it is as if I can't get off of it.