media is everywhere... and pretty much everyone is exposed to it. i think doing these blogs has helped me become more aware of the subtle or not-sosubtle messages different forms of media portray to their audience. being more media literate has definitely made changes in the ways i see things on tv, the radio, and my phone. with both these changes, i still heavily consume media everyday...this past week i have been on my phone for an average of 5 hours and 44 minutes a day. that doesn't include the music i listen to or the amount of tv i watched. last saturday i spent 7 hours on my phone....thats so sad considering that's almost as long as i sleep for.... this intense amount of media consumption has basically taken over my life (mostly negatively). like what was shown on missrepresentation, media is a root cause for many body insecurities that people face. so the more media i consume, the more stereotypical tropes i see.
although i did not decrease my media consumption, i did become more aware and focused on what media tries to portray. for example, i look at certain colors, music, and people in different advertisements to see what the brand is trying to sell. i think it is very important to have media literacy to know if a company is trying to sell you a product or the supposed lifestyle that comes with joining the bandwagon. knowing the different techniques and tricks companies use is helpful so you won't fall into their advertising trap.
overall, i enjoyed keeping a blog this semester since it allowed me to express my opinions on things that are relevant and it made me dig deeper on media consumption. keeping this blog was also pretty fun since i got to speak casually on subjects. i now feel more knowledgeable and aware of the media we are surrounded in.
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